Discussion: Asymptotic Normality and Optimalities in Estimation of Large Gaussian Graphical Models, Part 1
As part of the project I've been working on, I'm reading Asymptotic Normality and Optimalities in Estimation of Large Gaussian Graphical Models, a paper by Ren, Sun, Zhang, and Zhou.
The paper describes a technique for producing asymptotically efficient entrywise estimators for precision matrices, under the Gaussian assumption. They are able to accomplish this with a sparseness condition relative to the sample size. Intuitively, matrices that are less sparse require more samples to achieve the parametric rate. The parameter space also makes an assumption the spectrum of the matrix (range of its singular values).
In this initial post, some motivation for the problem is given, and then we walk through some intuition, and then fully dissect the technique used by the author, so that later posts can be fully dedicated to the inference results and proofs of theorems.
The precision matrix is of particular interest in the multivariate Gaussian setting due to the fact that the precision matrix admits, in the form of its nonzero entries, an adjacency matrix for the graphical model associated with conditional independence statements about the set of Gaussian random variables involved. This will be discussed in an upcoming blog post.
The authors produce entrywise elements of the precision matrix by exploiting some neat properties about Gaussian vectors.
Consider a random matrix \(X \in \RR^{n \times p}\), \(n\) observations of \(p\) variables, drawn from a \(\Nn(0, \Sigma_{p\times p})\) distribution. Rather than estimating \(\hat\Sigma\) directly and inverting it, we may make the following observations.
Let's take a look at what happens if we take a pair of indices \(A = \{i, j\} \in [p]\), and regress the associated variables on all the others, \(A^c = [p]\setminus\{i, j\}\). We would have:
where \(\epsilon\) is a noise term, distributed normally with mean zero, and which are independent of \(A^c\). Note that here
- \(x_A \in \RR^{2}\)
- \(\beta \in \RR^{2\times (p-2)}\)
- \(x_{A^c} \in \RR^{p-2}\)
- \(\epsilon \in \RR^2\)
We can multiply both sides by \(x_{A^c}\), and then take the expectation on both sides:
This immediately implies that given we observe \(x_{A^c}\), the mean of \(x_A\) is \(\Sigma_{A, A^c}\Sigma_{A^c, A^c}^{-1}x_{A^c}\). But what about the variance? Let's see how the noise is distributed:
Then, assuming \(x_{A^c}\) is observed, the variance of \(x_A\) depends only on the noise:
We observe that the variance of \(\epsilon\) is essentially the variance of \(x_A\) given \(x_{A^c}\), which we denote \(\Sigma_{A|A^c} = \Theta_{A, A}\). By using the fact that:
we can intuitively get estimates for blocks of the precision matrix at a time by inverting the estimates for the conditional covariance matrix.
Rewriting \(\Sigma\) with \(\Omega\)
By crunching through some identities, we may rewrite:
which is similar to what the authors will use later on. I can review the salient identities in a future post.
Now that we've reviewed the intuition behind why this should work, let's dive into the methodology of the paper. Note that to be consistent with the convention that observations are listed in a data matrix \(X\) row-wise, most of the vectors in the paper's exposition are row vectors; therefore, the next few formulas will be transposes of those given in the previous section.
By analogy of the intuition previously given (the only differences are that \(\XX\) is now a matrix, and \(\beta\) and \(\epsilon\) are transposed), we have:
where, adhering to the authors' usage of the precision matrix, and transposing everything, we have:
Now, suppose we were only interested in estimating \(\epsilon\) (as looking at the noise is the key to estimating the entries of the precision matrix) and we knew \(\beta\). Then what would the maximum likelihood estimator of \(\Theta_{A, A}\) look like? The authors denote oracle MLE of \(\Theta_{A, A}\) as
and so the corresponding estimates of the precision matrix would be:
Suppose we have an adequate estimates of the regression weights \(\hat\beta\). Based on \(\hat\beta\), we may derive estimates \(\hat\epsilon\) of the residuals.
and consequently the estimate of the conditional covariance matrix:
and invert the entries of this estimator to get the estimates for \(\Omega_{A, A}\):
To calculate the estimates \(\hat\beta\), the authors introduce a scaled lasso regression problem. For each \(m \in A = \{i, j\}\), they perform the optimization:
Intuitively, the scaling factor on the \(\ell_1\) penalty implicitly standardizes the design vector to length \(\sqrt{n}\) such that the \(\ell_1\) penalty is applied to the new coefficients \(\frac{\norm{\XX_k}}{\sqrt n}b_k\).
The authors also consider the following least squares estimator, based on the model \(\hat S_{mm}\) selected by the scaled lasso estimation problem:
Essentially, after determining the support of \(b\) through the scaled lasso estimation problem, we can fit least squares entries for \(\hat\beta_m\) only on the features in the support.
In my upcoming posts about this paper, I will review the inference results and step through the associated proofs.