Le Cam's Method
Le Cam's two-point method is a fundamental tool in the establishment of minimax lower bounds. After identifying suitable subsets of the parameter space, the key to the argument is a lower bound of the maximum by an average. Le Cam's method can be found at the heart of other minimax lower bound arguments, such as Assouad's Lemma. For this discussion, we will follow the exposition from Bin Yu's Chapter 29 of Festschrift for Le Cam.
Suppose \(\Pp\) is a family of probability measures, with each probability measure \(P\) parameterized by a \(\theta(P)\) which lives in a pseudo-metric space \((\Dd, d)\).
Remark. Yu notes that we use pseudo-metric spaces as requiring \(d(\theta, \theta') \Leftrightarrow \theta = \theta'\) would be troublesome.
We define \(\hat\theta = \hat\theta(X)\) to be the estimator of \(\theta(P)\) based on \(X\) drawn from a distribution \(P\). Finally, we denote the convex hull of \(\Pp\) by \(co(\Pp)\).
Lemma. Let \(\hat\theta\) be an estimator of \(\theta(P)\) on \(\Pp\) taking
values in a metric space \((\Dd, d)\). Suppose that there are subsets \(\Dd_1\)
and \(\Dd_2\) of \(\Dd\) that are \(2\delta\)-separated; that is, \(d(s_1, s_2)
\geq 2\delta\) for all \(s_1\in \Dd_1, s_2\in\Dd_2\). Suppose further that
\(\Pp_1, \Pp_2\) are subsets of \(\Pp\), such that \(\theta(P)\in\Dd_1\) for
\(P \in \Pp_1\)< and \(\theta(P)\in\Dd_2\) for \(P\in\Pp_2\). Then
Proof. We begin by observing that we may bound the supremem from below by an average over an arbitrary pair of \(P_1 \in \Pp_1\) and \(P_2 \in \Pp_2\):
We are there able to lower bound the distances to \(\theta(P_1) \in \Dd_1\) and \(\theta(P_2) \in \Dd_2\) by the distances to arbitrary members of \(\Dd_1\) and \(\Dd_2\) -- say, the elements in each subset closest to \(\hat\theta\).
At this point, we may note that each expectation is an integration with respect to a probability measure. Therefore, we may interpret each one as a weighted sum, and lower bound the sum of the two by integrating with respect to the pointwise minimum of the two measures.
Applying the triangle inequality completes the proof:
Le Cam's method gives a simple, intuitive way to give a lower bound on the maximum risk associated with estimating a parameter by considering two subsets of the parameter space with a suitable degree of separation. The true challenge is identifying these subsets of the parameter space in a way that gives a useful bound.
It's worth noting that intuitively, the search for a useful bound involves a balancing act between the separation distance distance \(\delta\) and the total variation affinity between \(\mathcal{P}_1\) and \(\mathcal{P}_2\). We could maximize the total variation affinity by taking \(P_1 = P_2\), but then \(\delta = 0\). Conversely, choosing \(\mathcal{P}_1, \mathcal{P}_2\) such that \(\delta\) is large may cause \(\norm{P_1 \wedge P_2}\) to vanish.
Better rates may be achieved by using Assouad's Lemma, which applies Le Cam's method in a multiple comparisons setting. Bin Yu also remarks that "Le Cam's method often gives the optimal rate when a real function is estimated... [whereas Assouad and Fano] seem to be effective when the whole unknown function is being estimated."